rF2 Online-Tools by Chris (redapg)      Visitors: 62631    (Statistics)

Due to some Problems with this Web-Hoster, it can happen (or did happen already) that Files,
that are generated with these Tools, crash the DevMode when they are loaded in DevMode.
If that happens, please report it to me, to the below shown eMail Adress!
I strongly recommend to use Notepad++ to edit rFactor Files!
The Windows Editor or Notepad sometimes open the rFactor Files wrong formatted.

Make your choice what to do: 
Download Packages for Modders

 (476 Times downloaded)    

 (4019 Times downloaded)    

 (398 Times downloaded)    
For Vehicle Modding

 (4473 Times used)      

 (222 Times used)    

 (1183 Times used)    

 (221 Times used)    

 (745 Times used)    

 (1201 Times used)  

 (692 Times used)      

 (460 Times used)      

 (23279 Times used)      (Use the above linked Showroom INFO)

 (2726 Times used)      

 (97 Times used)      

 (631 Times used)    WIP  

 (266 Times used)      

 (66 Clicks)      

   (5845 Times used)

 (8239 Times used)  

 (1757 Times used)    

 (2574 Times used)    


Please send me a Mail if you find a Failure.
That gives me the Possibility to improve the Scripts.
Thank you.
To report Failures, suggest Modifications or other Things,
send me a mail to:

Also visit:


Engine and Powertrain

 (2524 Times used)     

   (3034 Times used)  

 (2641 Times used)    

 (16 Times used)  NEW  

  (374 Times used)  

 (1013 Times used)    
For Track modding

 (82 Times used)    

 (143 Times used)     

 (191 Times used)     

 (254 Times used)     

 (61 Times used)     

 (52 Times used)     

 (171 Times used)     

 (56 Times used)     

Edit JSON Files  (updated Scripts, match Steam rFactor 2 Build 1.1133 ID 11262531 23.June.2023)

 (74 Times used)  

   All Entries    Only Entries for the Multiplayer    Only entries for AI      (662 Times used)  

  (272 Times used)  

  (136 Times used)  

 (for rFactor 1 only!)

 (216 Times used)     

(unfortunately incomplete)

 (461 Times used)  
My Tutorials:
How to create an Update of an existing Mod
How to create Wiper and other Bone based Animations
Youtube Video How to create a simple Bone Animation
Fixed Setups
Fixed Upgrades
Add DRS Zones to a Track
Solving Corridor caused Trackproblems
And if you need Support for AIW Files, send me a Mail to the above shown eMail-Address.
Some Videos: 

For Tracks: 
rFactor 2 get a DLC Track into the DevMode
rFactor 2 Create an Update rfcmp for a DLC Track

Youtube: Waypoints and Corridors
Youtube: Grid Pit Garage... Positions
Youtube: LEFT RIGHT FASTEST... Pathes
Youtube: Driving the Pathes
Youtube: Recording a FASTEST Path from a Replay

Google Drive: Waypoints and Corridors                                Mega.nz: Waypoints and Corridors
Google Drive: Grid Pit Garage... Positions                             Mega.nz: Grid Pit Garage... Positions
Google Drive: LEFT RIGHT FASTEST... Pathes                  Mega.nz: LEFT RIGHT FASTEST... Pathes
Google Drive: Driving the Pathes                                             Mega.nz: Driving the Pathes
Google Drive: Recording a FASTEST Path from a Replay   Mega.nz: Recording a FASTEST Path from a Replay

rFactor2 simple Bone Animation
rFactor2 Create a Wiper Animation