Hint: If you have Problems with this Tool or Questions, send me a Mail to: chris_rf2onl@gmx.de.
Because it can be easier to handle, i've decided to offer a Tool that combines the Tireresize Tool with the Flex Chassis generating Tool. By doing the following Procedure, you get a Set of basic Files, that allow to get a converted rFactor 1 Car running in rFactor 2. What you need: - the HDV File from rFactor 1 - the PM File from rFactor 1 - the TBC File from rFactor 1 (you can also upload a TBC File with already entered Lines for the TGM Files (rFactor 2 TBC)) - the TGM File(s) from rFactor 2 (if already linked in the TBC) What you get: You get a Set of rFactor 2 Files: HDV, flex Chassis.ini, TBC and TGM. IMPORTANT: You have to use the Files that you get, unmodified and all together!
In rFactor 2 the Tires play a big Role and without a properly TBC File, you won't get any Car working. Because of that, you have to start here with uploading the TBC File that you want to use. During the next Steps, you will have to upload or select from ISI/S397 Tire Files, the TGM Files that you want to use. Important: If you upload a TBC File with already linked TGM Files or if you already have TGM Files that you want to use, you have to upload these TGM Files also! To select multiple Files to upload, you can select the Files by holding "Ctrl" and then with "left" Mouseclicks. Or, to select a Row of Files, mark the first one, hold "Shift" and mark the last one.
So let's start with uploading the TBC File (with or without TGM Files):